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Aleppo Chamber of Industry

Arab Advertising Association
It is an official Advertising Organization, responsible for undertaking all Advertising activities needed to be circulated inside and outside Syria in the different information media: T.V. press, broadcasting station and road advertisement.

Damascus Chamber of Commerce

Damascus Chamber of Industry

Damascus International Fair  مـعـرض دمـشـق الـدولـي

يعتبر معرض دمشق الدولي من أقدم المعارض في منطقة الشرق الأوسط حيث بدأت دورته الأولى في عام1954 وقد كان المعرض على الدوام نقطة الالتقاء بين الشرق والغرب ،وأداة فعالة ليس فقط في توثيق العلاقات التجارية بين سوريا وعدد كبير من أعضاء الأسرة الدولية وإنما بين الدول الصناعية نفسها

Directorate General for Civil Aviation (Syrian Airline)

Federation of the Syrian Chambers of Commerce
The federation looks after commercial, economic and trade activities, acts for chambers of commerce, holds economic conferences and trade fairs, concerned with relation of private sector with government authorities and issues studies and researches related to economic affairs in syria.

General Organization for Textile Industry
Supervises 26 companies specialized for producing cotton yarns,  fabrics, underwear, ready made garments, carpet and socks

General Organization of Engineering Industries
Contains information about all public sector companies operating with in the General Organization Of Engineering Industries.

General Organization of Remote sensing
The General organization of Remote Sensing was constituted in Syria, in February 1986 in accordance with the Legislative Decree No. /8/. It has thus replaced the National Remote Sensing Center which was established in the Syrian Arab Republic, through an ad hoc Steering Committee in 1981. The Organization is located in Sabbora area (about 17Km West of Damascus). The Organization's total area is 250,000 m2, including the main building the student dormitory, the guest house and the recreation area.

أحدثت الهيئة العامة للاستشعار عن بعد في سورية في شباط 1968 بموجب المرسوم التشريعي رقم /8/ و حلت بذلك محل المركز الوطني للاستشعار عن بعد الذي أسس في الجمهورية العربية السورية عن طريق لجنة إنجاز خاصة في عام 1981. و تقع الهيئة في منطقة الصبورة، حوالي /17/ كم غرب مدينة دمشق، على مساحة إجمالية قدرها 250,000 م2. و تتضمن مبنى رئيسي و مبنى الطلبة و مبنى الضيافة و ملعب سلة و مسبح.

Homs Chamber of Commerce and Industry

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Established in 1977, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is one of the 16 centers strategically located all over the world and supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). With its main research station and offices based in Aleppo, Syria, ICARDA works through a network of partnerships with national, regional and international institutions, universities, non-governmental organizations and ministries in the developing world; and with advanced research institutes in industrialized countries.

Latakia Chamber of Commerce

Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian reform
Economical and Service Establishments:General Establishment for Cattle, for State Farms, for Poultry,  for Fishery,  for Seed Multiplication, for Fodder, and General Establishment for Ghab Area Management.

Ministry of Economy and Foreign trade وزارة الاقتصاد والتجارة الخارجية
Founded in 1958, the Ministry of Industry has many active roles in Syrian public and private industrial spheres.  Among its many activities are: Supervising and upgrading  the various industries through increasing production quality and proficiency.

تطورت المهام التي أنيطت بوزارة الاقتصاد والتجارة الخارجية منذ إحداثها بالمرسوم التشريعي رقم 82 الصادر في 30/6/1947 وذلك من خلال صكوك تشريعية متعددة أعقبت هذا التاريخ إلى أن صدر المرسوم رقم 2804 تاريخ 17/12/1969 والذي أضفى على مهام الوزارة مزيداً من الوضوح والاختصاص مبرزاً دورها الأساسي والريادي

Ministry of Education
Official site of the Ministry of Education, Syria

Ministry of Industry
Founded in 1958, the Ministry of Industry has many active roles in Syrian public and private industrial spheres.  Among its many activities are:Supervising and upgrading  the various industries through increasing production quality and proficiency.

Ministry of information
The Ministry of Information is the authority that supervises the function of the various mass communication media in the country, strives for their development and formulates plans and programs that prop up their activities.

Ministry of Justice
Official site of the Ministry of Justice, Syria

Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
The Ministry of petroleum is the governmental center in the fields of producing , transporting. distributing and investing petroleum and Mineral resources, searching for these sources and investing some of them according to effective laws and rules.

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